Tuesday 2 April 2013

Saudi Arabia Beheads Man Convicted of Murder, Deports Thousands of Yemeni Labourers
~~By drishya Nair
The Saudi Arabian government has executed a Saudi national for murder, according to state news agency SPA. The death, by beheading, is the latest in a string of such verdicts by the country's judiciary, despite repeated appeals by human rights organisations from around the world.

The interior ministry confirmed that on Monday Abderrahman al-Qahtani, declared guilty of the murder of Saleh Moutared was executed. The incident took place in the Assir region in the south of the country. It is understood that al-Qahtani shot and killed Moutared but the nature of the dispute has yet to be revealed.

This takes the total number of executions, over the past three months, to 29. And it comes hard on the heels of a particularly gruesome sentence, handed to a Yemeni national, for the sodomy and murder of a Pakistani man. Mohammed Rashad Khairi Hussain was beheaded and then crucified.

AFP reports a total of 76 people were executed last year.

Yemeni Labourers Deported:

Meanwhile, the Saudi Arabian government will reportedly deport thousands of Yemeni nationals, working in the country as labourers, following new rules that require workers from other countries to work only for their sponsors.

Rajeh Badi, an advisor to the Yemeni Prime Minister, told Reuters the move could significantly damage his country's economy since foreign remittances from Saudi Arabia were to the tune of $2m (roughly £1.3m) every year. Badi believes the ruling will affect an estimated 200,000 Yemeni nationals in Saudi Arabia.

As far as the Saudi Arabian government is concerned though, the move is aimed at cutting unemployment amongst nationals. Badi added talks between the two governments were underway to reach a settlement. Until an agreement is in place though, approximately 2,000 Yemenis are deported every day.

Gulf Arab states generally ask workers from foreign countries to register with local sponsors, who apply for a visa on their behalf of the worker and are expected to employ him/her till the contract expires.