Tuesday 2 April 2013

Steps if religious sentiments hurt: Ministers
[Editor: Bangladesh is taking steps to quash the dissenting voices of people or is trying to stop people who are having independent thinking or those who are speaking against Islam. This is dangerous and will only help the fundamentalist forces in play; which might further complicate the prevailing volatile situation in this Muslim-majority country.  The question is: why are are some of the Muslims so much mad with Islam, when it is more of an Arab cult and has nothing much to do, either with Bengali language or Bengalis?]
Their remarks came at a time when several Islamist parties including Hifazat-e-Islam are demanding such steps against alleged ‘atheist bloggers’.

The Detective Branch of the Police late on Monday night arrested three ‘bloggers’ from different parts of the capital over alleged inflammatory posts on the internet on sensitive religious issues.

Bloggers and online activists have strongly protested the police move.

Law Minister Shafique Ahmed and Home Minister Muhiuddin Khan Alamgir both told reporters that defamation of any religion will not be allowed.

Shafique Ahmed said, “Whoever hurts the religious sentiment, they will be brought to justice. Measures in line with the law will be taken if defamatory statements are made in the electronic media, Facebook or blog.”

Then the Law Minister read the Article 57 of the Bangladesh Penal Code to the reporters.

Muhiuddin Khan Alamgir said, “Three people were arrested yesterday [Monday] for hurting religious sentiments. Investigations against them are underway.”

The ministers were speaking with journalists at the Secretariat in the capital.

Courtesy: BDnews24.com