~~Suman Mukhopadhyay
~~Suman Mukhopadhyay
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Late Gopal Godse |
"Before analysing the possibly disastrous consequences of this hanging, it is imperative to understand the mindset of television news anchors who have successfully managed to convert personal beliefs into news, and trash all voices of sanity and sobriety that seek answers to complex questions. News channels are supposed to report the news and not give their editorial comments to a point where contrary voices are restricted from giving their views. There was a time when reporters followed the news, reporting it as it was, communicating and informing the public, without wearing their prejudice, bias or for that matter, views on their sleeves. Journalists are supposed to play the devil's advocate, be on the other side of the fence as it were, and review the story in all its dimensions. Indian democracy has many views, and a media that insists only on one view as 'nationalist' promotes a monolith that is in contradiction to the pluralism and diversity of this country. was clear at the onset that the police had no clue about the attackers. Finally, Delhi university lecturer S A R Geelani was arrested, and then Afzal Guru was picked up. Geelani's trial took a chequered course, but because of the support in Delhi and the involvement of well known lawyers, he was finally released. Guru was from Kashmir and unable to afford a decent lawyer. He did not have the money and as senior advocate Kamini Jaiswal managed to say hastily on a news channel, he went virtually unrepresented. Somehow we have becomes so blood thirsty as a nation, so wedded to war and violence (largely because of TRP ratings) that we do not like to ask any questions. After all, even a death row convict has rights, or is the case now that all these chaps should be shown no mercy and hung the moment they are convicted by the courts? And should not it be the job of the sane voice of journalism to ensure that at least the rule of law is respected, and the rights of an individual acknowledged? The impact of the hanging can have damaging repercussions at different levels, and far more than this government will be able to handle", says Seema Mustafa, the former Political Editor and Delhi Bureau Chief of The Asian Age newspaper published in India.
Anyway, today, the whole day I kept more or less quiet as I was fearing, communal flare up and did not want to add to the mess already created by two former "Failure Ministers", Shinde---Pranab combination.
The day Pranab Mukherjee became the President of India, I started counting the number of blunders he will do, after his pathetic performance in the Finance Ministry. Sushil Kumar Shinde is a failure minister number one......just ask anyone, about his performance as the CM of Maharashtra. He does not know what to speak and what to say, but then "Unfortunately" , this persons is the home minister of India.
He is simply a junk but then vote bank of caste--politics can make persons of dubious credential as Presidents (Ms.Pratibha Patil) and Home Ministers of India or may be any minister of this great country. This is nothing new.....!!
In the accompanying video, Md. Afzal Guru, says, "Motivation from outside the border and steep Financial Crisis, is the cause of his involvement in the attack of the Parliament Attack conspiracy". These two things needs to be dealt firmly but when Dr.Pranab Mukherjee was the defense minister of India, he did not approve of limited air--strikes in enemy territories across the border, for the trivial reasons that it might bring in a third party in the Kashmir issue. The point is that any pending issue needs to be solved, whether it by bipartite or through tripartite arrangements. Does it makes much sense to stick to only one method and drain India's resources? Also, it is better to hit hard, "Fanatical and Political Islam" rather than targeting their victims.
The fate of Afzal Guru, is due to Political Islam, overtaking his conscience, leading him to be a part of the heinous crime nexus.This is the 2nd blunder by the government and it might again escalate the Islamic Terrorism both in the Kashmir Valley and in the whole of India.
Did the execution of Maqbool Bhat of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, in 1984, stop militancy in the Kashmir Valley? Infact hasty execution of Maqbool Bhat, eventually led to ignition of Islamic militancy in the Kashmir Valley, which has its roots in 26/11 Mumbai attack.
When Afzal Guru said the above things (in the video) candidly in the media, little did he think that these inputs can be used as evidence against him, by the media to mould public opinion and various vested groups. He is a simple person or else, he would not have been saying these in the media. Afzal Guru had a lot of books in his cell and he spent most of his time reading them. He also owned a radio to which he used to listen during the evenings. He was not at all a picayune criminal, except that he was from a poor family. Hence, he could not take the help of the best lawyers in India.
Before, I say anything more let me say that the Parliament Attack act has to be condemned with the highest possible words and the criminal punished according to the law of the land.There has to be an effective justice system, with an adequate delivery mechanism. The laws needs to be changed according to the changing circumstances.
Also, above Honourable Supreme Court, there is another court (though not official but is understood)----the Home Ministry, which can over-rule any Ddeath Sentence, after referring to the President of India. Hence, the President of India is the "Rubber Stamp" of the Home Ministry of India. So, the President of India by his capacity can refuse to sign any petition but it is very difficult to go against the cabinet decision.
So, this hanging of Afzal Guru is more of the handiwork of Sushil Kumar Shinde, who comes from the state of Maharashtra, where Shiv Sena is known to have high affinity for retributive justice methods. Probably that is the reason why he wanted to act smarter than Sena--BJP axis to prove his credentials among the "Marathi Manus", after the former President from Maharashtra, Ms.Pratibha Patil, probably disappointed them all.
Now, having said that, please tell me one thing: If conspiracy is the chief reason for hanging a young and educated Indian from Kashmir valley, then tell me why Late Gopal Godse, the brother of Late Nathuram Godse, was given life imprisonment and not hanged....? Was he not a conspirator? How is this case different from that of the assassination of M K Gandhi?
Also, tell me if Murder is such a crime, then how did Late Phoolan Devi become MP, from Uttar Pradesh and Supreme Court did not say anything.....?Yes, I agree, if the law of land permits one can become President of India, with dubious credentials, but then why double standards for the poor and the rich?
Now, there were some placards by some young school girls some months back, as why there are "Rapists" in Indian Parliament and the Indian media projected them, without feeling a little bit ashamed on what they were doing. This has spoiled India's image and many foreigners have started to call Hindustan as "Rapistan". The media has again brought India to its knees. Now tell me is "Murder" a less crime than "Rape".....? Since, Phoolan Devi is a women so she has to be given Life imprisonment....?
Also, tell me what are the positives of hanging someone instead of using the same person to solve a problem.....?
Yes, I know many of you will say that the government of India is just following Lord Ram, who also did the same thing with his wife, SITA Devi, fully knowing that she is "Pure".Some of our Freedom fighters also murdered people, but then why do we respect them, if the word "Murder" is so bad? What about Khudiram Bose and Bhagat Singh....?
The theory of retributive justice is nothing but a hoax or temporary relief. It never worked anywhere and it will not work in India too. I have said many times that this kind of justice system, led to murder of a couple of millions by Joseph Stalin, in the erstwhile USSR. But ultimately could he stop the collapse of the USSR?
In the US too, state after state, Capital Punishment is being abolished.The whole of Latin American is almost free of this brutal method, but then India still wants to use it at will. We Indians do not look at Britain, Australia or Canada......or almost the whole of Latin America. Some people think that, Capital Punishment or no punishment is the same. Huh!!You will understand 10 years from now what I am saying..........and that too, if any of your near and dear ones get trapped in one such case....!!
But then I sometimes remember, what my daddy used to say too often, "It is often futile to argue in the land of blinds and it is equally dangerous to become a leader of blinds".
There are 476 convicts on death row in India. There are people senior to Guru on death row still waiting. This too creates suspicion, as to why Ajmal Kasab and Md.Afzal Guru's hanging was superseded? Also, Uttar Pradesh has 174 people on death row; Karnataka has 61, Maharashtra 50, Bihar 37, and so on. Therefore, what is the way forward? Start murdering these people one by one and overtake, China, Iran or Saudi Arabia?
Judicial verdicts are mostly arrived at by a process of elimination and evidence is almost always circumstantial. It is expected that the judges apply their mind and weed out doubt as much as humanly possible. Hence, it is an imperfect exercise by its very nature, in tune with the old adage that "All human activities are imperfect, varying in degrees". So, there are chances that any judgement might dissatisfy one side or the other. Therefore, there are more points of the abolition of Capital Punishment, rather than retaining it.