Wednesday 8 June 2011

Wikipedia says, Sonia Gandhi has $18.66 billion in Swiss Bank accounts..
According to the article, Swiss magazine Schweizer Illustrierte on 11 November 1991 revealed that Sonia Gandhi was controlling secret Swiss Bank accounts worth $2.2 billion (Rs 10,000 crore).  If these reports are true then India is in bigger trouble, you might have ever imagined. As, there are so many Indian politicians who are supposed to have bank accounts in Swiss Bank. 
Even if 20% of them are having bank accounts, still there would be billions of dollars of India rotting in Swiss Bank.
UPA Chairperson and the President of All India Congress Committee "Sonia Gandhi" has around $9.41 billion (Rs 42,345 crore) to $18.66 billion (Rs 83,900 crore)in Swiss Bank accounts, according to the article on Wikipedia..

India has 280 Lakh Crore in Swiss Banks : Swiss Bank Director
Surfing around the Web, I found a shocking article about Indian black money rotting in Swiss banks on India Tribune.. Here is the statement by one of the Swiss Bank Directors: "Indians are poor, but India is not a poor country," says one of the Swiss Bank directors. He says that "280 lakh crore (280,00,000,000,0000) of Indian rupees is deposited in Swiss banks which can be used for “taxless” budget for 30 years. It can give 60 crore jobs to Indians. The other uses of the money: From any village to Delhi 4-lane roads. Forever free supply to more than 500 social projects. Every citizen can get monthly 2000 for 60 years. No need of world bank and IMF loan.
OMG ! It's just a shocking revelation. And, it has been going on for many many years. Though Germans have recently given us the list of swindlers (who have black money in Swiss Banks) but Central Government denied to disclose the list to public. Obviously, how can thieves reveal their own secrets ?