Saturday 4 May 2013

Attack in Jammu jail: India acted fast, but Pak took no action, says Ghulam Nabi Azad
[Editor: Indian Media which created  the "Sarabjit Hysteria" here and some of the highly inflammatory statements coming from a section of Indian political class are actually responsible for this kind of attack on a "Pakistani Prisoner". Pakistan already has earned a bad reputation for itself, but what is lamenting is that now India's place as a "big-brother" in the region is also under threat. The Sins committed by a section of Pakistani Muslims, is the cause of harassment of innocuous Indian Muslims like  Sharukh Khan in the US airports. This incident points out that the culture of "An-eye-for-an-eye", spread by the likes of Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and the like, is fast gripping the Indian Hindu community too. The fact of the matter is that if one wants to fight an enemy then let him try in a battlefield, but why attack someone in this way? A section of the Pakistani fanatical Muslims are worse than wild animals, but Indian Hindus should never emulate them, inspite of  high degree of provocation...?]
Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad today said, India promptly responded after the attack on a Pakistani prisoner in a Jammu jail, while Pakistan took no action after the attack on Sarabjit Singh.

"It (attack on the Pakistani prisoner by another inmate in Jammu) should be condemned in same way (that of Sarabjit Singh)," Azad told reporters in Gulabgarh area of Kishtwar district during his day-long tour to assess the damage caused by earthquake in the Chenab valley.
"Differences between two countries are such that, here we acted very fast...took action against those involved (in the attack on the Pakistani prisoner), but Pakistani authorities took no action (in the case of Sarabjit Singh's killing)," Azad said.

"Government has no role or hand in it (the incident in Jammu jail), those people who are involved will be punished," Azad said adding that the Centre took urgent steps and flew the injured prisoner in an air ambulance to PGI Chandigarh, where he (Sanaullah Ranjay) has been admitted for further treatment.

Courtesy: Indian Express