Saturday 4 May 2013

Centre To Press For Das Death Penalty
[Editor: It seems there is a competition going on between the ruling UPA and the BJP, to prove who is the better killer of human beings. It is shame, that both the parties instead of following most of the industrialized nations, are adopting such hawkish policies, which goes against the basic principle of Human Rights and Right to Life. The land of Gautam Buddha and Bhagwan Mahabar is being polluted by the forces who believe in the Islamic doctrine of retributive punishment. Both the parties are making such postures as if 20 years in Jail is no punishment at all---really pathetic and deplorable.
Das's mother, the 74-year-old Kusum Bala, earlier said, “My son has already spent 15 years in jail. Isn’t that punishment enough? Why kill him, too? Keep him in jail for life if you want but please don’t kill him”.  It seems the centre at present has no work, other than killing of human beings. When will these kinds of attempts to stage
state sponsored murders, end?]

New Delhi, May 3: The Union home ministry is considering filing a review petition in the Supreme Court to
Challenging the apex court’s observation on May 1 that former President Pratibha Patil (who had rejected Das’s mercy petition) was kept in the dark about her predecessor A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s decision to accept the petition, the home ministry issued a statement today saying that Kalam’s decision was conveyed to Patil. “The entire file, including the minutes recorded by the previous President were placed before the then President Pratibha Devisingh Patil for her consideration,” the MHA statement says.

The Supreme Court judgment in Das’s case was significant as it came after the apex court upheld Devinder Pal Singh Bhullar’s death sentence, rejecting the premise that he should not be hanged because the government did not decide on his mercy petition for years.
As the home ministry clarified its position, sources said the ministry might want to prove it has not erred.

It also implies that Patil had upturned Kalam’s decision of granting mercy after going through the detail provided by the ministry.

Das had killed Rajen Das in Guwahati in 1990 and then surrendered. On April 24, 1996, while out on bail, he beheaded another man, Harakanta Das, at Fancy Bazar and surrendered with the victim’s head.

He was sentenced to death in 1997.

The ministry said when a mercy petition is considered, a basic note is prepared by the division concerned — in this case the judicial division — and the joint secretary submits the note through the additional secretary and the home secretary to the home minister.

In the case of Das, this basic note was prepared on September 30, 2010. “Paragraph 10 of the basic note extracted the view recorded by Kalam. The joint secretary who submitted the note to the home minister also referred to the view of Kalam in paragraph 4 of his note,” the press release said.

The home minister recorded his advice to the President on October 12, 2010. Thereafter, a summary was prepared and submitted to the President on October 18, 2010. President Pratibha Devisingh Patil gave her decision on May 8, 2011, the ministry release added.

Courtesy: The Telegraph