Tuesday 21 May 2013

Unemployed woman claims to be 'too pretty to work'
Tuesday, May 21 2013: A woman has claimed that her attractiveness is the reason why she refuses to seek employment.

Laura Fernee, 33, graduated with a PhD and worked in a laboratory for three years before quitting in 2011. She has not had a job since, reports the Daily Mail.

"I'm not lazy, and I'm no bimbo," she stated. "The truth is, my good looks have caused massive problems for me when it comes to employment, so I've made the decision that employment just isn't for me at the moment.

"It's not my fault... I can't help the way I look."

Fernee, who lives in Notting Hill, London, said male colleagues would only notice her because of the way she looks, and female co-workers were jealous of her.

"I wanted [the men] to recognise my achievements and my professionalism, but all they saw was my face and body.

"[The other women] assumed because I was pretty, I was stupid, so didn't take me seriously at first and - because of their own insecurities - were jealous of my looks.

"Then when they realised I was very good at my job, possibly better than them, they hated me even more."

Fernee's parents are currently paying her £2,000-per-month rent and bills as well as for her new designer clothes and handbags.
"I know people will judge me for choosing not to work but they are underestimating just what a curse good looks can be in the workplace," Fernee added.

Courtesy: Digital Spy