Wednesday 20 March 2013

Gay Man Allegedly Stoned To Death In Somalia
MOGADISHU - A GAY man was allegedly stoned to death as punishment for homosexuality, a gay Muslim group has said Saturday.

According to Somali Gay Community, the young man, Mohamed Ali Baashi ,18, was buried in a hole up to his chest and then pelted with rocks by members of the Al Qaeda link group Al Shabaab on Friday, March 15, in Barawe, about 50 miles from the capital, Mogadishu.

The group, through its Facebook page, Somali Gay Community, posted three photos of alleging they were from the stoning.

However, Identity Kenya could not independently verify this claims or the alleged stoning and efforts to reach the group have not been successful.

The group said the young man was accused of sodomy and was stoned to death by Islamic rebels while horrified villagers were forced to watch.

According to the reports, a judge announced that Mohamed Baashi, along with a man who had been accused of murder, had both confessed to their crimes. The alleged murderer got a more merciful punishment. He was shot to death, the group said over the weekend.

"This is their day of justice," the judge, told the hundreds of villagers who had been forced to attend.

"We investigated, and this man did what Muslims shouldn't do and as a result, he will be stonedto death and the one that killed someone will be shot because homosexuality is more punishable in Islam," the judge is alleged to have said.

Courtesy: Identity Kenya