Friday, 8 March 2013

How watching porn can save your love life
Conventional wisdom tells us that porn is not only damaging to our psyches, but also destructive to relationships
But who says porn is so damaging to monogamous unions. Before we consign it to the relationship deal breaker dustbin, perhaps we should re-examine our prejudices about porn to see if it’s really as bad as everyone says it is.

Salon columnist Tracy Clark-Flory recently tackled this very subject in ‘Does porn hurt relationships?’

Clark-Flory cites a highly suspect survey conducted by the folks at Cosmopolitan, who seem to be taking a break from offering silly sex tips, that has determined that watching porn ruins sex because it destroys women’s sexual self-confidence.

The fact is -- we cannot ignore pornography even if we occasionally find it distasteful.

According to Gizmodo, 25 percent of all search engine requests are pornography related. That’s 68 million searches a day and a lot of libidinous viewing.

But despite the dubious claims made by the pages of Cosmo, watching porn doesn’t have to ruin your confidence and sex life.

Sex and relationships, How watching porn can save your love life
Representational picture

Under the right circumstances and in the proper frame of mind, watching porn together can actually do wonders for your sex life.

“Porn can actually help foster emotional and sexual intimacy,” the Huffington Post quoted Colorado psychologist David Schnarch, author of ‘Resurrecting Sex: Solving Sexual Problems and Revolutionizing Your Relationship’ as saying.

Fantasy is part of a healthy sex life, and porn adds to the repository of sexy scenarios in our heads.

It can also inspire couples to experiment more in the bedroom (or outside of it if that’s where their fantasies lead them).

Porn is a shared experience. Any time a couple can share a hobby, or even better, a sexual experience, they are investing in the longevity of their relationship.

Going solo with porn is fine, but why not include your partner. Just make sure the kids are out of earshot before proceeding.

It’s an easy way to learn about your partner’s fantasies. Some people are very shy or ashamed about sharing their sexual fantasies with their partners.

Courtesy: Mid Day