Thursday 14 March 2013

East London Bengalis Protest To MPs At ‘Jamaat-e-Islami Attacks On Hindus’
Bengali demonstrators from east London and elsewhere across the capital have lobbied MPs at Westminster calling for UK government pressure on Bangladesh to end “violence against religious minorities.”
Protesters outside Parliament
They protested at “recent attacks on minority Hindu communities by the Islamist Jamaat-e-Islami party.”

A spokesman from the UK branch of the International Forum for Secular Bangladesh said yesterday: “We want to enlist support of British MPs and human rights groups to ensure protection of all Bangladesh minority faith groups.”

The forum’s protest was supported by other London groups including the Bangladesh Hindu-Buddhist Christian Unity Council, Bangladesh Hindu Association, Bangladesh Christian Association and the International Buddhist Association.

They were met by Poplar & Limehouse MP Jim Fitzpatrick as well as Islington’s Jeremy Corbyn and by Lord Avebury who listened to their protests and offered support.

Courtesy: The Docklands & East London Advertiser